I realise that you've clearly finished the jumper; however, I'm going to be really annoying and suggest orange 🍊

I now need to knit a jumper with mock flatlock stitching on the seams - solves the lumpy seam issue on drop shoulder jumpers!

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Northern Exposure! I loved that show so much.

Thank you for the excellent read, Amelia. I vote for hot pink for the trim.

I've just finished (three days ago) a Goldwing sweater (https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/goldwing-2) that I started knitting two years ago. I learned to knit 12 years ago when Gab C and I went to a lesson together, and I've been knitting ever since, and it still takes me two years to make a jumper!

I've also been sewing a lot more the past few years. But I still feel guilty when I go into Spotlight to get fabric - who made this? What were they paid? What are the women working in Spotlight being paid? But I am loving the clothes I'm coming up with.

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The colour work in that sweater is Next Level. That’s a long way from a beginners class. Perfect for Tassie Winter. I am yet to really get into sewing but have dabbled. We have one fabric store in Kyneton, and I found the most beautiful Japanese cotton in the bargain bin. The pajama bottoms I made out of them have got good wear this year!

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except that like all knitting, it's just knit purl knit purl (or in this case, knit knit knit knit knit on round needles); you just have to pay attention to which colour to knit when. Theoretically simple if you're any good at concentrating on detail, which I am not!

How great to find a bargain Japanese cotton! I bought some green padded velvet at Spotlight yesterday - thinking of making the 'tee' out of this book https://www.birgittahelmersson.com/pages/book

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I am watching Dickenson and so charmed by the costumes. I covet green velvet, tartan and sensible florals.

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Did you watch The Nevers? Not necessarily any good, but the costumes!!! My god!!!!

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I really liked the post. I've started a sewing course and Im learning how easy it is to fix, mend and do clothing in just a couple of hours. I remember my grandma made all her clothes and her closet had a handful of dresses and skirts a few blouses and no more. Made me think a lot, thank you!

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So cool that you’re picking up sewing. I’m currently in sewing Tiktok and I’m so inspired!

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Love this read 💚I enjoy your narrative style in both your videos and in written form.

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Thank you for saying so 😍

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It is so easy to forget about the hands that touched your new purchase before you even saw it.

Am also obsessed with Nerissa, and with the speed of her work.

Also, also, am rewatching Northern Exposure. It doesn't seem to have aged at all!

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Jenny, we are kindred spirits. Northern Exposure holds up beautifully. I’m so charmed by it.

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